Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 | 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 854x 1810x 1566x 1566x 1566x 1566x 1810x 387x 387x 387x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 387x 1566x 1810x 797x 44x 797x 753x 753x 796x 797x 58x 56x 58x 58x 1810x 769x 769x 200x 200x 769x 769x 340x 276x 340x 340x 769x 1565x 1810x 2x 2x 2x 854x 854x | import { EFFECT_TRANSPARENT } from '../../constants.js'; import { hydrate_nodes, hydrating, set_hydrating } from '../hydration.js'; import { remove } from '../reconciler.js'; import { block, branch, pause_effect, resume_effect } from '../../reactivity/effects.js'; import { HYDRATION_END_ELSE } from '../../../../constants.js'; /** * @param {Comment} anchor * @param {() => boolean} get_condition * @param {(anchor: Node) => import('#client').Dom} consequent_fn * @param {null | ((anchor: Node) => import('#client').Dom)} [alternate_fn] * @param {boolean} [elseif] True if this is an `{:else if ...}` block rather than an `{#if ...}`, as that affects which transitions are considered 'local' * @returns {void} */ export function if_block( anchor, get_condition, consequent_fn, alternate_fn = null, elseif = false ) { /** @type {import('#client').Effect | null} */ var consequent_effect = null; /** @type {import('#client').Effect | null} */ var alternate_effect = null; /** @type {boolean | null} */ var condition = null; var flags = elseif ? EFFECT_TRANSPARENT : 0; block(anchor, flags, () => { if (condition === (condition = !!get_condition())) return; /** Whether or not there was a hydration mismatch. Needs to be a `let` or else it isn't treeshaken out */ let mismatch = false; if (hydrating) { const is_else = === HYDRATION_END_ELSE; if (condition === is_else) { // Hydration mismatch: remove everything inside the anchor and start fresh. // This could happen with `{#if browser}...{/if}`, for example remove(hydrate_nodes); set_hydrating(false); mismatch = true; } } if (condition) { if (consequent_effect) { resume_effect(consequent_effect); } else { consequent_effect = branch(() => consequent_fn(anchor)); } if (alternate_effect) { pause_effect(alternate_effect, () => { alternate_effect = null; }); } } else { if (alternate_effect) { resume_effect(alternate_effect); } else if (alternate_fn) { alternate_effect = branch(() => alternate_fn(anchor)); } if (consequent_effect) { pause_effect(consequent_effect, () => { consequent_effect = null; }); } } if (mismatch) { // continue in hydration mode set_hydrating(true); } }); } |